showing 7 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Myth III: The Wolf Age MacSoft (Mumbo Jumbo)2001 aybabtu myth-series osx osx-1 ppc labelminimizeminimize
Civilization III  MacSoft2002 4xstrategy autoexplore aybabtu civilization-series fatbinary grandscale mapgenerator osx osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 ppc techtree x86 labelminimizeminimize
Max Payne Macsoft;Feral Interactive2002 1life ammomagazines apartmentbuilding armyofone assaultrifles atlastmoment autosavepoints aybabtu bullettime city comiccutscenes containers cpplanguage crates crimefiction difficulty dodging doors dualwielding earth falselyaccused fatbinary firearms gangsters grenades grounddiving handguns healingitems healthregen healthregen-fast healthregen-stunted hotel incendiarygrenades jumping lawenforcerprotagonist maxfx-engine maxpayne-series meninblack movie naturalistic neutralnpcs noir organizedcrime osx osx-1 osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 personalquest ppc precisionrifles purpleprose restorepower rewardingvandalism rooftops saveanywhere serious shotguns slaughterhouse slowmotion submachineguns subway titlementioned titularcharacter tutorial vigilanteprotagonist walking wintery x86 labelminimizeminimize
Escape Velocity Nova  Ambrosia Software (ATMOS;Ambrosia Software)2002 aybabtu darkspace escapecapsule escapevelocity extraterrestrial fatbinary fomalhautsystem gangs genderchoice openworld osclassic osx osx-1 osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 osx0 outlaws ppc quicktime rebellion shopping space spacecraft spacecraft-small stacsim thx-1138 upgradesystem uvl-imagequality x86 labelimagesubject
Age of Mythology  MacSoft2003 3plusfactions 4ormoreresources antiquity asymmetricfactions atlantis avianoids aybabtu bangengine basebuilding birds cavalry centaurs cervids crocodiles crocodilians cyclopes damagetypes deities divinemenace drm egyptian-theme egyptianmythology elephants fantasticearth fatbinary giantbeetles giants giantsnakes giantwolves giraffes grecoroman grecoromanmythology hippo hydrae infantry kraken leveleditor lutris manticores matchmakingrating minotaurs monsters mummies naga norsemythology osx osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 pegasus phoenixes ppc realtimestrategy resourceharvesting rhinoceroses safedisc siegetowers siegeweapons swordandsandal trolls warfare-land warfare-sea wildlife wolves workers worldcybergames x86 labelminimizeminimize
Halo: Combat Evolved  Mac Soft (Bungie Studios;Westlake Interactive)2003 aaa absolutearmor aliens atlastmoment aybabtu bishopring blankprotagonist cyborgprotagonist driving energyshields extraterrestrial facelessprotagonist fatbinary firstpartytitle firstpersonshooter future grenades halo-engine halo-series healthpickups jumping lightbridges megastructure militantprotagonist militaryfiction nailguns oneofmany osx osx-2 osx-3 osx-4 osx-5 otherworld powerarmor ppc ppcg3 ppcg4 secondaryattack sentientmachines shieldregen spacecraft-location spacefaringage swarmweapons titlementioned titularlocale trampling volleyweapons walking x86 labelminimizeminimize
Plants vs. Zombies PopCap Games2010 achievements achievements-public autosavepoints aybabtu carnivorousplants demo destructiblestructures download jovial lanes license-crossplatform manualharvesting marmalade-engine mode-challenge mode-survival plantcreatures plantsvszombies playerprofiles quitsave rating-esrb-e10 resourcegeneration shopping singlesave speech-gibberish steampowered steamworks suicideattackers towerdefense undeadmenace unseenprotagonist waves zombieapocalypse zombies labelimageminimize